Flight Review – Things to know!

✅The following paperwork is required: Your basic RPAS pilot certificate, the registration certificate for your RPAS (which must have the matching number affixed to your RPAS), 1 piece of government issued ID that shows proof of citizenship or residency (must match the address listed on your pilot certificate) and documented proof of a passing grade on the Small RPAS Advanced Exam.

✅A means of communicating in the event of an emergency (eg. cellphone).

✅First aid kit and fire extinguisher are optional.

✅A thorough Site Survey must be provided. This survey should include a map with the layout of the area indicating flight areas, class of airspace, bystander areas and ground hazards. It should also include the nearest aerodromes and airports, distances and directions to them, contact information for them and relevant NOTAMS for the area.

✅Checklists, checklists, checklists! You should have checklists at your fingertips for pre and post flight inspections and procedures of your RPAS. You should also have checklists of emergency procedures in case of a loss of control link (C2)(must be able to demonstrate ways to attempt to re-establish C2), fly-away and incident/accident (ie. collision with manned aircraft). You should also have an emergency crash landing procedure checklist.

✅If you are using a Visual Observer (VO) or flight crew, you must have an established procedure to ensure all members of your team understand the mission, checklists, procedures and what to do in the event of pilot incapacitation.

✅You must have a list of contact numbers for all parties to call (relevant to your flight area) in the event of an emergency.

✅You will need to know how to properly report an accident or incident (aircraft collision or fly-away) to Transport Canada/TSB, both during and after the fact.

✅You will need to show the method you used to check for relevant NOTAMS for the area, along with weather and forecasts.

✅Specifications regarding your RPAS should be documented and readily available. Such as maximum wind allowed, temperature.

✅You will need to know what additional requirements are needed to fly an RPAS in controlled airspace.

✅You will need to know how to request permission from NavCanada to fly in controlled airspace.

✅You will be required to know the Transport Canada compliance level of your drone.

✅Knowledge of the Transport Canada rules regarding where you can legally fly is required. Such as how far from bystanders you can fly, as well as how far from an airport or controlled airspace, and National Parks. You must also know how high you can legally fly without special authorization and how high you can fly over buildings or structures.

✅You will need to have access to the owners manual of your RPAS, as well as a maintenance log for the drone. You must also keep logs of all flying activity with your drone.

✅Noting of the take off and landing times is a requirement of Transport Canada.

✅You will be required to validate all parameters regarding flight in your controller for your RPAS, especially any failsafe settings such as Return To Home (RTH) altitude.

✅You must know the procedure to initiate an immediate termination of flight of your RPAS.

✅You will be required to demonstrate use of a safe take off and landing procedure. You will also need to display safe flying techniques, as well as complete some simple movement exercises.  You will be asked to judge distances without the aid of your telemetry. You will be evaluated on your spatial awareness. You may also be asked to fly without the aid of GPS.